Heads Up® Plant protectant is a preplant seed treatment for the prevention of fungal and bacterial diseases of corn. See trial data for more information.
When Heads Up® is applied with other commercial seed treatments, first make a solution of 1 quart water to one 58 gram package. Shake well, Heads Up® will dissolve uniformly and easily. One ounce (1 oz.) of solution when tank mixed with other fungicide/insecticide or liquid inoculants will treat up to 312.5 lbs or 3.125 cwt of seed.
Apply Heads Up® alone or tank mix with other insecticides/fungicides or liquid inoculants. Objective is to get a wet shiny appearance to the seed, ensuring 5-8 oz of total solution is applied per cwt.
One 58 gram package of Heads Up® is intended to treat up to 10,000 lbs of seed or 200 units.
Heads Up® has a stable shelf life and can be applied well in advance to planting.
Caution: When tank mixing with other products be aware of their specific time restrictions. Unlike Heads Up®, microbial products may have to be used immediately when treated.”
Treat only healthy vigorous seed or seedlings: Application of Heads Up® Plant Protectant to damaged or diseased seed or seed of low quality or vigor will not improve seed performance. Always apply to healthy seed or seedlings that are vigorous and actively growing under stress-free conditions.