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Dry Bean

Dry Bean Data

Dry Beans Available Pre-Treated. Ask for Heads Up® When Contracting Your Production. 

“Through four years of trials at Brooks and Lethbridge (Alberta), Heads Up® often outperformed the other products.  We were looking at (foliar) fungicides for the management of white mold, but we weren’t seeing a transformation in the ability to control white mold.  Heads Up® showed significant improvement in most years, or a trend to improvement in others.”

– Dr. Michael Harding, Plant Pathologist, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry

Heads Up® Plant Protectant is an EPA registered seed treatment for the prevention of fungal and bacterial diseases in dry beans. 

Utilizing a systemic mode of action, Heads Up® is trusted by dry bean growers to help manage yield robbing diseases such as rhizoctonia root rot/damping off and white mold.

Select a link below to view full study:
heads up plant protectant

United States


MSU Extension: Coordinator Scott Bales | Bay, Huron, Sanilac, and Tuscola Counties. Variety: Blackbeard
MSU Extension: Coordinator Scott Bales | Bay, Huron, Sanilac, and Tuscola Counties. Variety: Spectre
This work is supported by the Michigan Bean Commission, MSU AgBioResearch, MSU Extension, and by dry bean breeders in both the public and private sectors. [Author: Scott Bales, Dry Bean Specialist]
This work is supported by the Michigan Bean Commission, MSU AgBioResearch, MSU Extension, and by dry bean breeders in both the public and private sectors. [Author: Scott Bales, Dry Bean Specialist]
This work is supported by the Michigan Bean Commission, MSU AgBioResearch, MSU Extension, and by dry bean breeders in both the public and private sectors. [Author: Scott Bales, Dry Bean Specialist]
MSU Extension: Coordinator Scott Bales | Bay, Huron, Sanilac, and Tuscola Counties


Trial Conductor: Nebraska Ag | York, NE


The McGregor Company | 2019 Research Compendium | Across Location Summary



Michael Harding, Ph.D. | Greg Daniels, B.Sc. | Innovotech Inc. | Brooks, Alberta
Michael Harding, PhD, Research Associate | Merle E. Olson, DVM, Research Director | Innovotech Inc. | Brooks, Alberta
Dr. Michael Harding | Innovotech Inc. | Brooks, Alberta
Michael Harding, PhD, Research Associate | Merle E. Olson, DVM, Research Director | Innovotech Inc. | Brooks, Alberta


2017 Pinto Bean Trials:
CSIDC, Outlook, SK – 2017
Variety – Island

Progression Photos Untreated Beans Vs Treated With Heads Up® Plant Protectant

Pinto Bean Trials Outlook, SK--- Left side: 8 rows untreated---- Right side: 8 rows treated with Heads Up---- July 19, 2017
Pinto Bean Trials Outlook, SK--- Left side: 8 rows untreated---- Right side: 8 rows treated with Heads Up---- August 17, 2017
Pinto Bean Trials Outlook, SK - Left side: 8 rows untreated - Right side: 8 rows treated with Heads Up - September 7, 2017

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