“Sudden death syndrome (SDS) and white mold are two of the most important fungal diseases in soybean production in the US, affecting 40 to 50 million acres in the north-central region. Yield losses can be as high as 50% in fields having severe infestation. Outbreaks of the two diseases occur in seasons with different temperatures. Therefore, these two diseases threaten the sustainable production of soybean in the North Central Region.” – Dr. X.B. Yang, ISU
Soil is filled with bacteria and fungi; some benign, some harmful. SDS is caused by the soil fungus Fusarium virguliforme. This fungus finds optimal growing conditions in cool, wet soil. Such conditions help the fungus multiply, which makes it toilsome to combat. Fungal spores can last for five years or more, meaning they’ll resist weather shifts and other natural forces.
SDS is often challenging, or impossible, to spot when a plant has already germinated or is in a mid-growth stage. Due to this, applying a disease defense plan before you plant seeds is the most effective soybean SDS management strategy. Heads Up® gives you this advantage, with no constraints between seed treatment and planting.