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Trial Videos

Trial Videos

You've heard from us, now here from others about how Heads Up is working for them.

Short Lane Ag Wisconsin Trials [2023]

Putting Heads Up® to the test. The idea was to test Heads Up® in more than just a replicated small plot situation.  Working with Short Lane Ag Supply, we knew the challenges their customers face and that Matt would be a perfect partner to conduct a broad acre, real world situation test with a local grower. The idea was to put Heads Up® to the test in an area where White Mold had a strong likelihood of showing up, but also to help Oehmichen collect relatable, localized data on our product which would be relevant to the customers he serves. Read the full blog post here.

Part 1

Part 2

Short Lane Ag Wisconsin Trials [2023]

Putting Heads Up® to the test. The idea was to test Heads Up® in more than just a replicated small plot situation.  Working with Short Lane Ag Supply, we knew the challenges their customers face and that Matt would be a perfect partner to conduct a broad acre, real world situation test with a local grower. The idea was to put Heads Up® to the test in an area where White Mold had a strong likelihood of showing up, but also to help Oehmichen collect relatable, localized data on our product which would be relevant to the customers he serves. Read the full blog post here.

Part 1

Part 2

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