K&S Seed Company and Luther Farms use Heads Up to control white mold and SDS Kathi Luther’s passion for farming and love for the land started when she was a young girl helping her father on the family farm. Fast forward 40 years, and she and her husband, Steve, have their own farming operation, Luther...Read More
If you’re constantly battling white mold and SDS in your soybeans, plan a winter meeting with a member of the Heads Up team. We can come talk about SDS, white mold, or simply ways to push soybean yield goals in 2023. Whether it’s an in-person or virtual setting, the Heads Up team is hitting the...Read More
Systemic Acquired Resistance – A Novel Mode of Action to Unlock Your Seeds Full Genetic Potential Fungicides by definition are chemical agents that kill a fungus or inhibit the growth of a fungus. Fungicide seed treatments are disease pathogen inhibitors that are commonly used to protect your seed from seed and soil borne fungal diseases....Read More
As we wind down from Farm Progress Show in Decatur, Illinois, it’s hard to believe it’s already September. Soybeans are maturing and filling nicely in many areas; we can officially report one of our trial collaborators south of Fargo has begun harvesting black beans on August 31st, so it’s safe to say harvest is here!...Read More
White mold — a crop disease caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum — is nothing new to Kevin Pribyl, a soybean grower in Denmark, Wisconsin. In fact, the disease is a severe problem in central to northeast Wisconsin near Lake Michigan. The moist, cool environment is perfect for white mold growth. Kevin’s farm is in...Read More
Year in and year out, growers in South Dakota battle severe white mold outbreaks in their soybean fields. And on a larger scale, white mold and sudden death syndrome (SDS) affect between 40 to 50 million acres across the north-central region of the United States. White mold — developed from the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum —...Read More
Crop diseases are ever-present in your fields. Start combatting yield-robbing diseases like white mold and sudden death syndrome (SDS) now and in the future. White mold — a crop disease caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum — has been burdensome for soybean growers since it became prevalent in the United States in the early 1990s....Read More
The genetic potential of your seed is at risk, and the culprits may be quietly lurking in your fields. White mold — a crop disease caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum — has been problematic for U.S. soybean growers for decades. Iowa farmers are no strangers to yield-robbing white mold outbreaks that crop up after...Read More