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Success Against SDS in Soybeans

heads up plant protectant

Sudden death syndrome in soybeans, caused by fusarium virguliforme, can be a major detriment to yield in much of the north central United States.

While there are no completely resistant SDS cultivars of soybeans, biological seed treatments can be an effective management tool.

In 2017, Heads Up Plant Protectants engaged Agri-Tech Consulting, out of Whitewater, Wisconsin to conduct some yield and field rating trials to further explore biological options.


-Field was inoculated with fusarium

-Randomized complete block design

-15” row spacing at 170,000 seeds per acre

-Seed Variety P92Y51; SDS moderately resistant


Heads Up® Seed Treatment when used in combination with Metalaxyl and Clariva® “pn”, a biological nematicide yielded over 6 Bu/A over the untreated control.

Heads Up® Seed Treatment when used in combination with Metalaxyl and Clariva® “pn” reduced foliar of symptoms of SDS at the r8 growth stage by more than 35%.

Clariva® “pn” is a trademark of Syngenta group company.

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