Soybean white mold (also known as Sclerotinia stem rot) is one of the major yield robbing diseases in the north central region of the United States. While the disease favors cool and wet conditions, symptoms can come on early or at anytime throughout the growing season causing devastating losses.
This year major yield losses have been confirmed across Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Dakota and Iowa by many farmers.
As white mold overwinters as sclerotia in the soil, be sure to consider asking your dealer for Heads Up® Seed Treatment for the ultimate start against white mold.
What is Heads Up?
Heads Up® is the first EPA registered seed treatment for the prevention of soybean white mold and sudden death syndrome. A cost-effective treatment, Heads Up® offers an alternative mode of action, called systemic acquired resistance, which elicits your varieties innate genetic defense abilities to fight against fungal diseases.
While not a fungicide, Heads Up® is compatible with other fungicide/insecticide seed treatments, and can help you round out the ultimate seed treatment package with stacked mode of actions against soil borne diseases.
In our 2017 Wisconsin trials below, conducted by Agri-Tech Consulting of Whitewater, Wisconsin, note that Heads Up® in combination with Clariva® Complete (elite) beans, yielded over 8 bushels better than the untreated check variety. In addition, overall disease incidence was reduced from 19% to 6% based on visual symptoms as rated before harvest.
For more information on Heads Up® Plant Protectant and to view how Heads Up® can help prevent white mold, check out Heads Up VS White Mold
2017 Soybean Seed Treatment White Mold / Yield Trial – Whitewater Wisconsin
ILeVO is trademark of Bayer.
Clariva Complete (Elite) Beans and Clariva pn is trademark of Syngenta Group Company
Heads Up® is trademark of Heads Up Plant Protectants Inc.