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The Problem of White Mold & SDS In Soybeans

As featured in Michigan Farm News, February 28, 2022 White mold produces tough survival structures called sclerotia. Research by X.B. Yang, Ph.D., out of Iowa State University has shown sclerotia can survive in soil for up to seven years, even through crop rotation. If you had white mold in 2020 and are rotating back to soybeans […]

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How Heads Up® Differs From Traditional Fungicides

Traditional fungicides kill disease-producing organism directly, but they do not increase the plant’s disease resistance. HEADS UP OFFERS ANOTHER APPROACH Q: How does Heads Up® work? What is the mode of action? A: Heads Up® is a signaling plant activator. All plants have natural disease defense abilities: Plants have the ability to stimulate protective chemical […]

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Heads Up®? Heads Up® is an EPA/PMRA registered biological seed treatment for the suppression of fungal and bacterial diseases of row and specialty crops. EPA Reg. #81853-1 PMRA Reg # 29827 Pest Control Products Act What are the labelled uses & diseases? Heads Up® is EPA registered for the prevention of fungal and […]

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Protect Beans from White Mold

Heads Up® priming effect in action Left side: Untreated Pinto Beans.  Right side: Heads Up® treated Pinto Beans. Photo taken: ICDC, Outlook SK, September 2017. Did you know? In 2017, all dry bean seed brought to Alberta (Canada) was treated with Heads Up®.  Dr. Michael Harding, Brooks, AB based research scientist and plant pathologist, with […]

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Systemic Acquired Resistance

Photo Source: https://www.keyplex.com/knowledge-base/broccoli-research/systemic-acquired-resistance-plants-secret-weapon/ All plants have natural disease defense abilities.  The ability of your plants to defend themselves against disease or host, is regulated by several protective chemical defense pathways. To become effective, these natural defense pathways need to be signalled or turned on (elicited).  Naturally, the signalling of these pathways occurs only by infection […]

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Soybean White Mold Stealing Your Yield?

Soybean white mold (also known as Sclerotinia stem rot) is one of the major yield robbing diseases in the north central region of the United States.  While the disease favors cool and wet conditions, symptoms can come on early or at anytime throughout the growing season causing devastating losses. This year major yield losses have […]

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heads up plant protectant

Success Against SDS in Soybeans

Sudden death syndrome in soybeans, caused by fusarium virguliforme, can be a major detriment to yield in much of the north central United States. While there are no completely resistant SDS cultivars of soybeans, biological seed treatments can be an effective management tool. In 2017, Heads Up Plant Protectants engaged Agri-Tech Consulting, out of Whitewater, […]

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heads up plant protectant

Heads Up® – Fight Soybean White Mold

Photo:  Perham, MN September 2017 Severe White Mold Infestation – Soybeans Left Side:  No seed treatment; inoculant only at time of planting Right Side: Heads Up® Seed Treatment + Inoculant. Field had history of heavy white mold pressure and was seeded consecutively to soybeans (host crop).  Both sides had 3 applications of foliar fungicide, only […]

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heads up plant protectant

Biological Seed Treatments: Snake Oil?

“Biological control products are the future for disease management in row crops1” – Dr. X.B. Yang – Principal Investigator – Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology – ISU Biological control products, such as seed treatments and soil-applied bio-fungicides, can be a valuable tool in helping you hit your yield targets. However, often these products are […]

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heads up plant protectant

Why Heads Up® Seed Treatment?

Heads Up® Seed Treatment is an EPA registered control option as a preventative approach for dealing with white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum), sudden death syndrome (Fusarium virguliforme) and rhizoctonia root rot / damping off (Rhizoctonia solani) in soybeans. Below are the top ten reasons why you should ask your dealer to add Heads Up® Seed Treatment […]

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